We made them last night. They look bad but we had fun making them.

We made them for his after school program. They're having a Halloween party tomorrow afternoon.

We did another Martha-inspired craft on Saturday night. The idea was to soak strips of cheesecloth in liquid starch and then drape it over a form to make a ghost. So I bought 2 packages of cheesecloth (3 bucks each for one little sheet!) and cut it into roughly 3-inch strips (that's what it looked like in the picture). Oy vay! What a mess. The strips shrunk up into rope-like shapes. It was almost impossible to flatten them back out. So we ended up putting some dry ones on top and then kind of coating them with the starch.
As of this morning, there were still wet spots. And the dry parts are permanently cemented to the newspaper.
Oh, and there's also the fact that they don't really look like ghosts...
So now I remember why I don't do holiday crafts.
On another note - still haven't heard anything on the job. I was hoping to hear on Friday. Hopefully there will be some news today.