Yeah, long time, no blog. I won't make any excuses.
I went to Kansas over Thanksgiving to visit Larry and family and to see Colleen and family. I went back and forth over whether I should go or not. I could have gotten a lot done with Sam at his dad's, but in the end I decided to go. It was good to get away and see everybody again. Although I've been there so many times this year, I think they're all sick of me by now.
Colleen indulged my art geekiness and we went to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. I wanted to see the new addition. It's super cool (I'll post pictures one of these days). Colleen's job was to keep me from licking the walls. My job was to keep her from flicking paint off of this one super smooshy oil painting. I told her that the oil paint could possibly still be wet in the thick spots and she wanted to find out...
We also went over to the Kemper. I really like that museum. Colleen found a blinky sculpture that she wanted to lick. Or steal. I forget.
Then we had some yummy Italian food, some yummy dessert, and we hung out at her house for a while with all the boys.
I went with my mom and stepdad in the Suburban Assault Vehicle. Interesting, I always remember them calling it "Suburban..." in the movie... Weird how that happens. According to the internets, a Chevy Suburban is a Mormon Assault Vehicle!
I've been doing a little painting, making some more collage boxes, and now I'm into holiday production mode. I'm going to be making gifts again this year. Sorry, everybody.
While I was making those boxes, I listened to a bunch of my backlog podcasts - specifically This American Life. In one episode, Meet the Pros, David Rakoff talks about how he loves to make stuff and he wonders if he could love it as much if it were his job. He makes things for his friends but that it must be like having a fitness-loving friend come over and do 25 push-ups in your living room and then say, "Happy Birthday!"
I'm afraid that might be true. So, again. Sorry.
I do love it, though. I was making some stuff today and I forgot to eat lunch.
Now playing: Wilco - Hate It Here
via FoxyTunes