(That's assuming that I'm seeing TJ in the same place you're seeing him, Colleen...)
OK, I didn't mean to make everybody feel sorry for me. I know I'm not a loser. I just have loser friends who bail on me. :-)
Good news, though. I'm going to see Strangers with Candy tomorrow! Yay!
Tonight I watched Match Point. It wasn't exactly what I expected, but I enjoyed it. First of all, there's Scarlet Johansen. I have to admit that I have a girl crush on her. The movie turned a little more "noir" than I expected it to, but it wasn't the typical noir ending, really.
I had given up on Woody Allen after Deconstructing Harry. I hated that movie. I didn't see many of his movies after that until I saw Melinda and Melinda a couple of years ago. That was a really good movie - actually 2 movies. It was the same story told 2 ways - one a comedy and one a tragedy. The tragedy had a really great ending (in an ironic twist kind of way).
I think it's interesting that the promos for the new Woody Allen movie Scoop say, "From the director of Match Point," instead of, "From Woody Allen." He's obviously in the movie, why do they want to downplay the fact that it's a Woody Allen movie? I guess the public hasn't forgiven him for that whole Soon-Yi thing...
Then I watched Bottle Rocket. It got such great reviews when it came out that I was actually a little disappointed when I saw it then. But I really enjoyed it this time. Maybe it was too quirky for me back then. I don't know. It was fun to see all the Dallas locations - I kept rewinding and stopping it so I could figure out exactly where they were in certain scenes.
I was thinking about little movies that are really great that nobody ever sees. Here are a few that you should definitely check out:
Dancer Texas, Population 81
Enchanted April
Looking for Richard
Happy, Texas
Mystery Science Theatre 3000, The Movie
There are more but I can't think of them right now... Any other recommendations?
Whew, he's back. For a while there I thought you'd covered him in red paint and stuck a black house over him....
As I think I told you one day, I too have a girl crush on Scarlett. (Has nothing to do with my alias, though.) However, I've never been able to get into Woody Allen films. I've tried and tried... I watched Annie Hall and Deconstructing Harry all the way through, and I watched parts of a couple of other movies until I just couldn't take it anymore. I guess I find his movies to be whiny and self-absorbed. But I may have to check out Match Point, just for Scarlett.
Out of that whole list of films, I've only seen Smoke, but I'm a huge fan of that one. I saw it during that strange period of my life when I was obsessed with Harvey Keitel.
Dave wants to know if that one cloud that looks like a skeleton just above TJiaB represents our looming, inevitable death.
I say it's Albert Einstein to represent the transcendential judgement of man's resistance to chaos in the natural world...
And I WILL have this painting for my own. You CANNOT sell it to anyone else but me
You're both right!
*And* the frog face on the left represents the metaphorical resonance of the biomorphic forms that spatially undermine a participation in the critical dialogue of the 90s.
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