Thursday, July 27, 2006

OK, I promise I won't complain about the heat any more. We're just experiencing our normal Texas summer heat. We can escape into any over-air conditioned building and get cool (or frozen, in my case). I feel sorry for all my friends in California who are roasting in the heat wave and enduring high humidity and general lack of air conditioning.

Even my dad and stepmom, who live up in the mountains, had 108 degree weather the other day.

You need to practice your pirate speak, because September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

This company caters to the pirate demographic - check out the choice of languages at the bottom right...


Colleen blogged about her awesome Lyle Lovett experience. I'm excited to say that I'm going to have one of my own on November 10th! Trish and I are going to see him perform in Fort Worth. It's going to be great.


Jenna said...

I really like the painting you posted. Does it have a name or a story?

Deanna said...

The name of the painting is "Obscure Redux." It's four 12" x 12" panels. It actually existed before as just "Obscure." I didn't realy like it, and I was out of boards to paint on, so I just scraped off the old stuff and started over. There are some elements of the old painting there, still.

They all pretty much have the same story - a tornado dream or inspiration from somebody's else's tornado story.

Anonymous said...

I have pictures! I'll upload and send some your way