Friday, August 18, 2006

A great review of Snakes on a Plane. It's not Citizen Kane...

And check this out. A theatre in Austin is showing the movie for 24 hours in a row.

And here's a funny cake.


Anonymous said...

Elle Charlie said...

I've got to tell my sister about that all day SOAP screening... but she won't go see any movies that have violence or grossness in them (I know, can you believe we're related?) so she might not take advantage.

That movie fascinates me. At first the hype made me not want to go see it, but now I'm starting to feel like I can't resist...

I like that your SOAP advertisement hisses every once in a while ;)

Deanna said...

Yeah, SoaP is not the movie for someone who doesn't like violence or grossness! It's pretty gross. It's fun, though.