I've been carrying this little painting around in my purse, constantly forgetting to leave it somewhere.
The subject for this week is love, of course. The idea is to create a piece of art with that theme and then leave it somewhere for someone to find. Rosa Murillo introduced me to the idea. I've been following her blog for a while and finally got my act together and made something. Now if I could just remember to leave it somewhere...
I also got tagged by Nancy with the 6 Weird Things meme.
So here goes -
Six weird things about me:
1. I hate things between my toes - flip flops, toe socks, or toe rings. No thank you.
2. I love the smell of sawdust. And freshly cut grass. And dirt.
3. I don't like normal things that everybody else likes, like coffee and beer.
4. I like weird combinations of food - like butter on bologna sandwiches or macaroni, chili, and fritos (not that I indulge in those things much any more)
5. My closet is arranged by color
6. I can't stand wet socks - if any part of my sock gets wet, I must change them.
I'm supposed to tag 6 people - I think Colleen's done this one (but if you haven't...), so I'll tag Jenna, Trish, Jessica, and those are the only people I know that read this particular blog...
Now I need to go take my cat to the vet - she has a hurt foot. Poor kitty.
The cat's fine - just has a sore on her foot (most likely from a fight). She got a shot and has to take medicine for a week. Fun for me!
I left my little painting in the art section of the library.
Have a lovely day! I'm curled up in a blanket!
I have to pick only 6 weird things about myself? So much to choose from....
I hate wet socks too.
i did this in january! thanks for the tag :-D
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