Cat food scented wax...
I needed some smaller containers to melt wax in at my studio, so I took some of Casper's and Chocolate's cat food cans, washed them out really well, and put some wax in them. Turns out that no matter how well you wash them, they still smell like cat food when you heat them.
Reminds me of Ralph on the Simpsons, "My cat's breath smells like cat food."
Hopefully my paintings won't smell like cat food...
Well, everybody survived Chuck E. Cheese. Sam had a blast. His two cousins and his bestest buddy Ian were there. Don't know what happened to his other buddy Simon. He was MIA.
He got some good stuff but the hit seemed to be the present Ian brought - a Superman water gun. He loved it.
I'm a big loser and I forgot to take my camera. I hate it when I do that.
Before the party, I got up fairly early (for me 9:00 on a Saturday is early!) and went to the gym. I passed about 9 garage sales on the way there. I wish I had gotten up earlier. I stopped at one on the way back and it turned out to be a really good one. I was drawn to 2 ottomans that had drawers in the bottom. They were fairly cheap (particle board) but in good shape. They would have had to be recovered to go with my stuff, and I just don't have the energy for that right now.
But it turns out that the young woman having the garage sale just graduated with her master's in art history and is about to move to Tucson to get her PhD, so she had some good books. I got the Chicago Manual of Style (never know when stuff like that will come in handy), The Virgin Suicides (loved the movie), a couple of books on aesthetics/feminist art history type stuff, and a book about bookmaking. She also had some good CDs. I picked up The Doves, Brad, Keane, and Pete Yorn. All for 7 bucks! Score.
There was a nice man with her, maybe her dad, who asked about my art when I mentioned that I was an artist, so I whipped out one of my brochures. She said she liked my work and that maybe the restaurant where she worked would be interested in exhibiting some. I'm normally kind of snobby about bar and restaurant shows, but it's a nice place and it would be OK to have my stuff there for a while. It is kind of nice when someone asks if your work is exhibited somewhere, to be able to say, "Yeah, it's at Joe's Bar and Grill," or somewhere accessible.
Tonight Cathy and I are going to Dan's to see James McMurtry. Not Larry. I always have to think not to say Larry... It should be fun. Maybe I'll be a dork and take my camera this time...
Oohhh... James McMurtry... jealous! Hope you have fun. I wanna hear all about it. And major score at the garage sale. I hear The Virgin Suicides is a good read.
Love your work! Thanks for posting so we can all see. I like the ropes - very cool. The photo of Chocolate scares me but I like that one a lot too. It doesn't scare me because there's anything wrong with your cat, cats in general just unnerve me. :)
I used to go to Chuck E. Cheese in college before cocktail parties - we'd go there all dressed up and eat pizza and play. The odd thing is that everytime I went there I lost a ring or part of a ring (like the stone) in the ball cage. That's really hard to find. Especially when you're in a cocktail dress and heels and have had a few beers...
I'll have to get Sam to scour the ball pit for lost jewels!
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