Friday, June 23, 2006

A rope at the lake... But I'm sure Colleen will see something interesting in it.

Sam's slowly but surely getting his Bionicle thing built. Hopefully he can finish it tonight before his dad picks him up. It'll be nice to get my floor back. Now I know why my parents hated Legos - they really hurt when you step on them.

OK, I found the coolest thing yesterday. I'm sure you already know about this, but I think it's cool - Bloglines. You can subscribe to blogs that you read regularly. It will make a list and update it periodically so you can see when new content has been posted. And you can publish your list - called a "blogroll - on your blog. I'm sure it does a lot of other cool things that I haven't discovered yet.

I don't know if I've given this link to the Librarian's Internet Index. They research websites and categorize them. So if you're looking for information on a specific subject, you can be pretty sure that the sites they list have accurate information. I know. Accurate information on the interweb? They also have a weekly newsletter that features new sites that they've added. Or subscribe to their feed and add it to your Bloglines list!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rope? I thought it was an ariel view of a Roman or... nevermind